April 19, 2021 20:24:42
Hey Spoof,
Not an April joke :-)
Driving from Toronto to QC the upcoming weekend. How about me going through Ottawa? Wouldn't that be crazy? Jammr on the road…
Unfortunately I got no instrument with me, but my fingers are itching as I didn't play for 2 months…
Crazy, what do you say? Gimme a shout at
April 20, 2021 11:38:46
Hope you guys get a chance to jam, Hardy!
When I travel it's usually not possible to take a guitar. A small USB MIDI controller together with a software synthesizer like
https://surge-synthesizer.github.io/ or
https://asb2m10.github.io/dexed/ is portable and works with jammr.
The Akai MPK mini controllers are good for this:
April 28, 2021 19:16:15
Thanks for the keyboard tips, noted.
Not possible to gather yet, so we are keeping this in mind for better days.
I was dreaming of a Jammr Festival where our little community can physically gather. Just dreaming…
I fortunately got a bass guitar from a friend and bought an audio interface yesterday, so I'M GAME!
Back at it, although from the prison of the frets… :-)
See you online.
April 29, 2021 07:58:08
Awesome, great that you have a bass setup available to you again!

Real life jammr get togethers would be awesome. You're welcome to post details here on the forum and see who can make it. Seems like that may be possible in a few months in some parts of the world when people can meet safely and easily again.