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Jammr is behind me actually playing bass regularly again. It's been interesting exploring what kinds of music work well with the interval looping system. Thanks to everyone who I've played with for the awesome time, and thanks to Stefan and everyone else who contributed to the software for making it possible.

Cheers to Hardy, choxie, wayne, rocky, and everyone else I'm forgetting who was on tonight in the huge jam room we had going
You are speaking the truth CraftyJon, Jammr is a great tool. I'm back to in-person jamming finally, not on here lately but always looking forward to the next jam. We've play a few times together, you are a beast on the bass and enjoy the jams with ya! Looks like I missed a big jam the other night based on your comment above. Hope to see everyone again soon enough.
Thanks craftyjon! Glad you are having satisfying jam sessions and enjoying the bass .
CraftyJon, good stuff there, I am enjoying Jammr for the same reasons. A great tool besides finding out a lot of talent and nice people. As I said many times, I wish there was a Jammr Festival to try to gather to annually and jam for real on a stage… wouldn't that be something? :-)
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