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#1 June 1, 2014 16:55:02

Registered: 2014-05-11
Posts: 4
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New Drummer

What this site needs is more drummers lol . Anyway, I'd like to try this out but cannot make the saturday jams. If anyone wants to rock a little, hit me up via email at : murlin.evans@gmail.com. I'm on CST if that makes a difference. I also do remote drum tracking for people if you think you might want to use me in a project of yours. I use a 7 input aggregate input using 7-mics on my kit. I'm very curious to see how the latency thing works out using jammr. It's usually a challenge when recording normally using Logic. Anyway. Hope to try this out soon!


#2 June 2, 2014 06:25:17

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1731
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New Drummer

Welcome Nilrum,
If you want to get people together for a jam sessions, try posting a date/time (with timezone) in the Jam Sessions sub-forum a day or two in advance. Then people can find out about your jam and join.

Looking forward to jamming with you,


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