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Full Version: Using jammr to host a rap cypher
Root » Wishlist and suggestions » Using jammr to host a rap cypher
I'm investigating ways to host an online rap cypher, meaning 2 or more rappers from across the world freestyling over the same beat.

jammr looked like it might be able to achieve this, but after signing up and downloading the app, I don't see a way to play an mp3 that everyone in the room can hear. is this possible or planned?

I don't see a way to play an mp3 that everyone in the room can hear. is this possible or planned?

The jammr app does not offer a way to play MP3 files itself but there are two options:
1. Use a media player VST plugin like mp3play.
2. Use something like JACK or SoundFlower that provides inter-app audio.

If you are on Windows I suggest trying the mp3play VST plugin.

On Mac or Linux it JACK or SoundFlower can be a powerful option. This also lets you connect drum machines, samplers, and synthesizers apps to jammr!
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