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Buenos días a todos
Me presento. Soy Javier y toco la batería. Soy mu nuevo en esto de la Jam session y más en “on Line”.
Espero tener una gran experiencia con vosotros.
Bueno ya iré poco a poco averiguando como contactar con vosotros porque esto es totalmente nuevo para mi.
Hola de nuevo
Os indico un enlace donde podéis descargaros un MP3 de una pista funk como batería el menda.

Buenos días a todos
Me presento. Soy Javier y toco la batería.

Welcome FJDLCA!
I need help to start the softwere JAMM. I open it and conect to internet. Also I add VTS AdictiveDrums 2 and it open the interfaz. But wich is the follow step?, I see the BP working 120 bpm but nothing more….
Do I have to wait any mesagge from other musicians?
Many thank.
I open it and conect to internet. Also I add VTS AdictiveDrums 2 and it open the interfaz. But wich is the follow step?, I see the BP working 120 bpm but nothing more….Do I have to wait any mesagge from other musicians?

When you open jammr there is a window where you can select to join a jam session or create a private jam.

It sounds like there were no other musicians online when you tried it. That's why you didn't see anyone else.

There are weekly jam sessions on Friday 19:00 UTC and Saturday 19:00 UTC. Try again at that time, if possible, and you'll definitely meet people to play with!

Or announce your own jam session on It's best to announce 24 hours in advance so other people have time to read your post.

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