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I listen to Classical Music, Metal, Rock, Jazz and a bit of Blues and would be interested in any Jam of those genres.
The Instruments I play in order of how good I play them:
French Horn: This is my main instrument and I have been playing it for approximately 10 years (no long break from playing in all those years) I'm experienced at playing this in an Orchestra and in a Bigband and I'd say I'm quite proficient at it.
Recorder: I played this for 3 years when I was a child but I know how to finger all the notes. This instrument is probably useless due to its sound (noone likes it) but maybe we can get a Baroque jam going one day
Electric Guitar: I'm self taught at Electric Guitar (I play Rocksmith a lot ) and have not been playing for long, I'd say rhythm guitar playing is the best I can do
diverse Instruments: I also got a Melodica and a Ukulele (and a Piano, but I cant be bothered to move that to my computer) all of which I can play at a mediocre level.

I dont have much experience with jamming but the few times I jammed with friends were loads of fun and I hope this platform works to achieve the same.
Hi! and welcome in the jammr band. I also like to play recorder (beginner level) despite of its awful noise and I am waiting to announce a renaissance jam on forum.
I listen to Classical Music, Metal, Rock, Jazz and a bit of Blues and would be interested in any Jam of those genres.

Welcome to jammr!

The best way to get started is to join the weekly jam sessions Fridays & Saturdays at 19:00 UTC (that is 20:00 CET German time).

Hope to jam soon,
Hi Floing! I have a pretty extensive Classical background myself. I'm a clarinet player who's dabbled in jazz sax and mallet/aux percussion (no drum skills, though).
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