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#1 Jan. 10, 2015 23:16:32

Registered: 2015-01-09
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How to run a backing track on Jammr?

Is it possible that I can upload a backing track from my PC, and Jammr plays this track…..and then we can jam on the track?


#2 Jan. 11, 2015 09:03:29

Registered: 2012-11-11
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How to run a backing track on Jammr?

Is it possible that I can upload a backing track from my PC, and Jammr plays this track…..and then we can jam on the track?

Hi Sashimi,
Yes, during the weekly jam sessions I usually put on drum loops.

How to do it depends on whether you're using jammr on Windows, Mac, or Linux.

On Mac and Linux I recommend JACK, which lets you send audio between apps. The Mac version is available at http://jackosx.com/ and for Linux look for the qjackctl package.

On Windows it's easiest to use a VST plugin that can play audio files or samples. I don't have a specific recommendation here.

Please keep in mind that audio uploaded to jammr is Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 licensed. You must be the copyright holder or have permission to share the backing track.



#3 Jan. 11, 2015 18:11:30

Registered: 2015-01-09
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How to run a backing track on Jammr?

I am using PC window 7 64bit

how can I set up VST plugin? I find “audio”,“MIDI”,“Effect plugins” for my options…..

I use “audio” for my gutiar playing……….I did not see any function that allows me to play a soundtrack from my PC (BTW, I purchased those soundtrack, so I have permission to use them for non-commercial use)

Can you tell me how to do that play soundtrack from my PC on Jammr……????


attachment QQ图片20150111111021.jpg (43.5 KB)


#4 Jan. 13, 2015 17:55:01

From: Germany
Registered: 2014-07-12
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How to run a backing track on Jammr?

You could try mp3play?!


Instrument: Guitar (trainee)


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