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#1 Jan. 14, 2015 00:37:03

Registered: 2015-01-13
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how do you communicate?

I am new here and not quite ready to get started. I need the input equipment.
I am a bass player with many years of onstage experience and I am looking forward to jamming here.
The question I have is, how do you communicate verbally? Can the musicians talk to each other in real time?


Edited drgroove (Jan. 14, 2015 00:37:24)


#2 Jan. 14, 2015 08:21:27

Registered: 2012-11-11
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how do you communicate?

I am new here and not quite ready to get started. I need the input equipment.I am a bass player with many years of onstage experience and I am looking forward to jamming here.The question I have is, how do you communicate verbally? Can the musicians talk to each other in real time?

Hi drgroove,
Most people use the text chat to communicate during the jam.

If you mix your instrument signal together with a mic signal you can speak into jammr. A few people do that, usually if they are playing an acoustic instrument through a mic.

The way that jammr works means that voice conversations are not real-time like they would be on Skype. jammr is an interval-based jamming system. That means you hear what other people played last “interval” and they hear what you played last interval.

You can set the number of beats in the interval. A typical setting is 16 beats, which allows 4 bars of music in 4/4 time signature.

This can be hard to understand but when you're playing it feels natural and it is live, despite not being real-time.



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