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Hi Stefan,
did you consider to create a jammr smartphone app? I would be nice to participate in live jam sessions and listen and chat with the jammr users from everywhere on the way. A simple function to arrage a jam session between users via app would be nice as well. For example the app could provide a “who wants to jam right now” button to inform others about their intention. Because many people use smartphones and because of the lot of registered jammr users I suppose that this would facilitate jam sessions immensely. Now I'm dreaming: Depending on the technical capabilities it would be possible to connect with an USB audio interface in later versions of that actual imaginary app. Maybe it is also possible to use the microphone of the smartphone for sound inputs.
Best regards.
did you consider to create a jammr smartphone app?
stefanhain pure chat software there is a list with online users and in this list people can chat with anyone in the list. of course jammr is for singing, not for chat. not always the chat during jams is positive so it is very hard to link people around the world without problems. if chat could help to make music a more complex app is also needed. there is an attempt to join for chat using facebook but this means another account and another id and friendship acceptance and all these could induce confusion (even languages barriers). if it possible to set an app for chat in parallel with jammr app with identical usernames and password would be more simple. there are thousands user but only few jammr users join the public jams so these musicians can make a small group for cheating more efficiently than announcing a jam in forum. the forum can identify the users on line…
A simple function to arrage a jam session between users via app would be nice as well.
Hi adi,
Thanks for your suggestion!
strat123Netbooks or ultrabooks are also portable and with the aid of an usb 3g or 4g internet modem, public wifi or hotspot from a mobile phone with internet subscription it is possible to connect at jammr app at server from a public place. I tried firebird 2 vst without any other instrument (i used only a very small old laptop with atom processor, 1G ram) and I obtained a sound but only with the mouse. Offline I can play with the querty keyboad of the netbook 2 octaves using savihost standalone vst player but not inside jammr. Perhaps new touch screens can play directly on the screen but I cannot test it. Any idea how to go portable with a laptop?
I would be nice to participate in live jam sessions and listen and chat with the jammr users from everywhere on the way.
Edited adi (March 15, 2015 17:04:21)
Because jammr app is only for laptops I suppose one can play on the go with a modern laptop instead a phone. I found on web a new kind 2in1 laptops (for example Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga) which runs windows and are also very portable (no fans, no hard disk, only ssd). They are not as little as mobile phones but they can install existing jammr app for windows. Did anyone test such a gear? I am interested to buy one and to play in the park as a tablet with a virtual keyboard vst on the screen…
Edited adi (July 8, 2015 17:54:37)