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Root » Recordings » How to edit your recorded jams
Want to share the highlights from your jam sessions with your friends?

Remember to post your favorite soundclips here on the forum so others can listen too!
How to Record link does not open?
How to Record link does not open?

Thanks CaribSunset. The link was outdated and I have removed it.

jammr records jam sessions and sends notification emails to users about an hour after the jam completes. The email contains a link to the full recording and also individual audio track files so you can import and remix them yourself.

You can enable/disable the recorded jam email notifications here (see the “Email recorded jams” checkbox):
Hello, fellow Jammrs. It has been so great jamming with each of you. So many great and talented folks here. I am including a link to some of the jams I've had the pleasure of participating in. I only wish I could have included all those who also participated in these jams. If you were part of any of these please let me know. I'll try and do better to include you next time. I am now including a live link. This link will be updated with any new recorded sessions from Jammr. Live Jams Link:

Thanks again for the music!!!
That's really cool. Thank you for sharing the recordings!

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