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#1 April 27, 2015 13:19:49

Registered: 2015-04-10
Posts: 36
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Problem in the website embedded player for recorded jams

The audio player embedded into recorded-jams pages of the website doesn't seem to work on Firefox (tested version 37.0.2 and 31.5 on different systems). The player displays correctly, I click on the play icon, the progress bar starts moving, data are being downloaded, but I can't hear any sound; the duration time is frequently updated, until the progress bar reaches the end, download stops, and the final duration displayed is way less than what it should be (e.g. 3 minutes, instead of 1 hour).
Is this a bug or a problem on my side?

Downloading the .m4a file works ok (though I found the overall volume level quite low)

Instruments: one-handed keyboards, percussions, found objects :P
Likes: see my jammr profile


#2 April 27, 2015 14:30:12

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Problem in the website embedded player for recorded jams

Thanks, I can reproduce the problem and have added it to the website todo list.


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