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#1 May 15, 2015 16:42:28

Registered: 2015-04-10
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Low volume level of recorded jams

Just a minor problem: I've noticed that the volume level of recorded jams (.m4a files hosted on the jammr server) is generally very low; on some devices it's quite difficult to listen to them (let alone dancing )

Doing some tests with audacity and the “amplify” effect, I've noticed I can usually amplify them by 10-15dB without clipping, so maybe you can tweak something on the server to have louder recordings?

(BTW the volume level of the video files posted on youtube is OK)

Instruments: one-handed keyboards, percussions, found objects :P
Likes: see my jammr profile


#2 May 15, 2015 20:55:00

Registered: 2014-09-08
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Low volume level of recorded jams

Doing some tests with audacity and the “amplify” effect, I've noticed I can usually amplify them by 10-15dB without clipping, so maybe you can tweak something on the server to have louder recordings?
when i use “normalize” effect in audacity the overall volume gets better.

I like ukulele, recorder, guitar, drum, piano (absolute beginner)


#3 May 22, 2015 07:04:40

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Low volume level of recorded jams

Thanks for reporting this. When I create the YouTube videos I bring the volume levels up manually.

The volume is reduced during the recorded jam mixing process. I've added it to the todo list, it should be fixable.


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