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#1 June 24, 2015 14:31:49

Registered: 2015-04-10
Posts: 36
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UI improvement: connect to no session, window disappears

Hi, just a small suggestion for better handling the following case:

* Log into the jammr app
* Main window: menu “File” -> “Connect”, and the “Connect to server” window appears
* In the “Connect to server” window, click on the “Connect” button (lower-right corner) WITHOUT selecting any of the
available jam sessions

Result: the “Connect to server” window just disappears.
This can be puzzling, at first I thought the app had crashed, then I realised that the main window was still there, so you can select “File” -> “Disconnect”, and try again.

Suggestion: instead of having the window disappear, maybe it would be better to display a popup message, like “Please select any of the available sessions, or create a new session”, or something similar.

Instruments: one-handed keyboards, percussions, found objects :P
Likes: see my jammr profile


#2 June 25, 2015 14:35:51

Registered: 2012-11-11
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UI improvement: connect to no session, window disappears

Thanks for the suggestion.

The Connect button should be disabled if no jam session is selected. This will be fixed in a jammr update.


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