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#1 July 4, 2015 14:54:18

From: Other Side of the Bridge
Registered: 2015-04-27
Posts: 151
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How about Testing Setup Room

i was thinking about people coming in without being setup correctly very annoying
then i it dawned on me why not make a room that echos back what you played 20 secs or So ago
this way people can go to this room and check there levels and feedback ect.

Also there could be some kind of audio setup wizard for the noobs

Edited HighAction (July 4, 2015 14:54:58)


#2 July 5, 2015 08:53:16

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1731
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How about Testing Setup Room

Thanks for the suggestion. Something like this might be added in the future.


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