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#1 July 10, 2015 03:06:41

Registered: 2015-07-10
Posts: 2
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Bassist/Drummer looking forward to jamming from Georgia.

Ready to jam. I ain't scared of any genre and love all of them. My comfort zone is funk/R&B. And maybe a sprinkle of metal shavings. Haha. Hit me up. Go!


#2 July 18, 2015 03:07:10

Registered: 2014-10-04
Posts: 4
Reputation: +    -
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Bassist/Drummer looking forward to jamming from Georgia.

Ready to jam. I ain't scared of any genre and love all of them. My comfort zone is funk/R&B. And maybe a sprinkle of metal shavings. Haha. Hit me up. Go!

Hey Craig, I like your proposal, I could be available on weekdays about 10PM(UTC), please let me know and would share some music.


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