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#1 Aug. 17, 2015 21:01:24

Registered: 2015-08-16
Posts: 1
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Antunes, from São Paulo - Brazil

First thread here.

My name is Antunes and I am from São Paulo - Brazil.

I have been playing guitar for the last 20 years. Ain´t a professional musician, just someone who likes to play guitar ocassionaly.

I am new in this kind of software/online jam, I need learn on how to use Jammr.

Last but not least, my native language is Portuguese, sorry for the mistakes in English language.



#2 Aug. 17, 2015 23:57:39

Registered: 2015-02-17
Posts: 59
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Antunes, from São Paulo - Brazil

Hello! Looking forward to jam with you Antunes!

Main Instrument: Electric Guitar (Intermediate, 3 years).
Styles: Jazz Rock (Fusion), Smooth Jazz, Progressive Rock, Blues & Funk.
Gear: Fender Stratocaster HSH, Peavey Zodiac EX Bass Guitar, M-Audio KeyStudio Keyboard, Pod HD 500x and Pod Farm II for FX.


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