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#1 Sept. 15, 2015 06:56:41

From: Other Side of the Bridge
Registered: 2015-04-27
Posts: 151
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Oh No Not Another Suggestion!!!

Hey Stef

How about this “lol” when you have a new version out could it not say on the main website next to the download button the current version so we don't always have to look at forums to see when theres a new version, also how about naming the installer with the version number so if you have multiple versions and want to rollback for whatever reason it easy to see what version your installing.

And thanks for creating this awesome app.


#2 Sept. 15, 2015 19:50:23

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Oh No Not Another Suggestion!!!

jammr automatically checks for updates on startup. You don't need to manually check the forum or website. If there is an update available you will see a dialog box.

It's still useful to have the version number on the download page, download buttons on other pages, and filename. Thanks for the idea!


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