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#1 Sept. 30, 2015 21:08:14

From: Italy Turin
Registered: 2015-09-30
Posts: 5
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Hi from an italian drummer

Hi to all guys, nice to use this fantastic piece of software.
i've discovered jammr tonight and i've played instantly with fantastic musician.
i use a custom electronic drumset pretty huge with addictive drums 2 sounds library,that i made for my home studio and recording.
i like to play everything, particulary prog, heavy metal and classic metal.

Style: prog and heavy metal, rock, funk
Gear: Yamaha absolute with paiste 2002 cymbal, diamond edrum with roland cymbal and addictive drums 2 complete


#2 Oct. 2, 2015 05:56:30

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1730
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Hi from an italian drummer

Welcome to jammr, lexotal. Glad you already had a successful jam session!


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