May 10, 2016 08:14:36
Ubuntu Studio 16.04 Xenial Xerus LTS has a bug on my laptop. The software manager is completely empty and unresponsive… It was not like that in the previous lts edition. I tried to choose another valid repository but no change. Any idea of how to use other method to install jammr?
May 12, 2016 07:36:14
You could try installing the package from the command-line if Software Manager isn't working for you.
# apt install libqt5gui5 libqt5network5 libogg0 libvorbis0a libportaudio2 libportmidi0
# dpkg -i jammr-client_amd64.deb
May 13, 2016 04:36:40
FYI, this was a known issue in Ubuntu 16.04 and it was quite recently fixed. If you install updates, the GUI will work.