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#1 May 18, 2016 16:05:05

From: Other Side of the Bridge
Registered: 2015-04-27
Posts: 153
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Something need to be done about the Jammr Noise Trolls

There we was having a nice jam!!
When all of a sudden in comes a dickhead with all kinds off feedback turned up way too loud
what an absolute moron,
Im so sick of these people with there fucked up sounds coming into jams and spoiling it for

Stefanha you really need to implement some changes because these type of people are going
ruin jammr and stop it ever taking off fully.


#2 May 18, 2016 18:11:52

Registered: 2015-02-17
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Something need to be done about the Jammr Noise Trolls

Thank God somebody spoke. I agree entirely with you High. In fact, I was thinking about opening an educational thread that would provide information about the Non-Verbalized rules for having an ejoyable jam.

Main Instrument: Electric Guitar (Intermediate, 3 years).
Styles: Jazz Rock (Fusion), Smooth Jazz, Progressive Rock, Blues & Funk.
Gear: Fender Stratocaster HSH, Peavey Zodiac EX Bass Guitar, M-Audio KeyStudio Keyboard, Pod HD 500x and Pod Farm II for FX.

Edited Calran (May 18, 2016 20:56:26)


#3 May 18, 2016 23:19:03

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Something need to be done about the Jammr Noise Trolls

Documenting etiquette is a good idea. That way you can paste the URL to anyone who would benefit from it. I can sticky the post on the forum.

HighAction: Do you think the person was being malicious? Sometimes people don't hear themselves and therefore do not realize how they are disrupting the jam. This can be compounded if they do not speak English and cannot understand what you are telling them in the chat. If the person was sabotaging or being malicious then please report them and they will be banned. You can always email info@jammr.net if there are disruptive users.


#4 May 19, 2016 09:33:05

From: Other Side of the Bridge
Registered: 2015-04-27
Posts: 153
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Something need to be done about the Jammr Noise Trolls

Absolutely 100% Sure the person connected with everything turned up to the max.

And its all well and good reporting them but really, say we did report them and you banned that account whats to stop them making another fake account and doing it all over again ?

Do you block just the account or the MAC Address of their Router/PC Network card?

we need something in place to prevent this from happening.
A Limiter or maybe a volume fader Curve when when people first join so it starts of low this way we get a chance to mute them if we hear high-pitch ringing or feedback noise.

As Bo stated in another post these people are going to damage someones hearing.
I really don't want my hearing damaged as a result of using this app.


#5 May 19, 2016 18:35:40

Registered: 2014-09-08
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Something need to be done about the Jammr Noise Trolls

Sometimes people don't hear themselves and therefore do not realize how they are disrupting the jam.
why not two steps to entry in a jam room. first step for just to listen to the others for a while and the sound is not send to server. the received signal is only from existing jammers. second step to be evaluated by an automatic detection of the noise or by vote and if too high the system may not enable the send button… but I am not a coder and it is easy to say only…

and of course to think of political correctness regarding what they say in text and voice chat during jams… a lot of people think that we are just nicknames over thousands of miles!

it also happened to me to loose control over the laptop and to send overlouded noise for short time especially by microphony (I forgot choose the external usb card and the sound was sent from incorporated microphone). of course it was not my intention!

I like ukulele, recorder, guitar, drum, piano (absolute beginner)

Edited adi (May 19, 2016 18:57:31)


#6 June 8, 2016 16:59:24

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Something need to be done about the Jammr Noise Trolls

And its all well and good reporting them but really, say we did report them and you banned that account whats to stop them making another fake account and doing it all over again ?

As jammr has grown various types of spammers have appeared and have been dealt with. Usually it's enough to make spamming more difficult (time consuming) rather than 100% preventing spamming. I like the ideas that you are proposing, fading in newcomers is a graceful way to prevent noisy users from becoming too loud before you get a chance to mute them.

As Bo stated in another post these people are going to damage someones hearing.I really don't want my hearing damaged as a result of using this app.

As I explained in Bo's thread, this is a case of an incorrect and dangerous audio setup outside of jammr. No application can ever fix that because it doesn't know the absolute volume that the listener experiences. Never turn up the last element in the audio chain so loud that it's painful and attempt to set the audio level by reducing volume in an earlier element in the audio chain.

Protect yourself by setting volume at the last element. This also results in the best signal-to-noise ratio. If you have any concerns then all I can say is use jammr at your own risk and stop using it if you are unsure if your setup is correct.


#7 Nov. 26, 2016 15:20:55

Registered: 2016-11-02
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Something need to be done about the Jammr Noise Trolls

There we was having a nice jam!!When all of a sudden in comes a dickhead with all kinds off feedback turned up way too loudwhat an absolute moron, Im so sick of these people with there fucked up sounds coming into jams and spoiling it forothersStefanha you really need to implement some changes because these type of people are going ruin jammr and stop it ever taking off fully.
Please accept my humblest apologies


#8 Nov. 26, 2016 15:31:32

From: Other Side of the Bridge
Registered: 2015-04-27
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Something need to be done about the Jammr Noise Trolls


lol dont think this was you PettyVendetta this was months ago.
difference is the jammr trolls dont appologise as it done on purpouse


#9 Nov. 26, 2016 15:35:20

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Something need to be done about the Jammr Noise Trolls

Just fukn around. Wanted to thank you for the jam yesterday. Nobody looks at DM's



#10 Feb. 24, 2017 15:51:29

Registered: 2016-09-09
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Something need to be done about the Jammr Noise Trolls

Isn't that what the mute button is for. I find I have to mute someone half the time because just making noise


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