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The jammr 1.2.7 update is now available. Thanks to all the beta testers who gave it a spin!
When you launch jammr you'll be prompted to install the update.
This update includes the following changes:
Sadly the 1.2.7 (0) does not work on my MAC. Hope that the attached crash log will help you . Have the best Bo
Process: jammr [734].pdf (112.2 KB)
And BTW, for next release I would be great to give the “send function” a more visible design, maybe a “red on air lamp”. I have often by misstake hade the button in instead of out ande vice versa …. //B
Hi bodal,
Thanks for bringing this my attention!
The macOS release is now being held back until the issue has been resolved.
Hi bodal,
A fixed macOS version of the 1.2.7 release is now live.
Please try again and let me know if there are any issues.
Stef where can i get 1.2.6.. i downloaded the latest version but I'm on Yosemite. Thanks.
Running the latest version of jammr is recommended, but I understand that sometimes there are reasons not to.
You can download the previous Mac version here: https://jammr.net/static/1.2.6/jammr.dmg
The old version asks you to install the update at startup. You can disable the update checker by opening the Terminal app and running the following command:
defaults write net.jammr.jammr jammr.updateUrl -string ''