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#1 March 18, 2020 18:51:31

Registered: 2020-03-18
Posts: 2
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intro: seth lael

Hi Folks
I take it this site is going to get some good use now.
I play 7 string hybrid guitar, 6 string, banjo, sing, write + Ableton.
Love a good fusion jazz, space funk, modal improvisation.
A duo project https://soundcloud.com/monster-walker/stump-jump
or my own americana stuff https://soundcloud.com/sethlael/big-country-2
I've got to get my system set up but would love to find some people to jam with.



#2 March 18, 2020 19:53:16

Registered: 2020-03-18
Posts: 1
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intro: seth lael

Hi Just Joined but Can't get anything to work.

Instructions on getting started and trouble shooting anywhere?????


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