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  • » Old Time Guitar player seeking fiddle and banjo players aligned with West Coast US time zone [RSS Feed]

#1 March 20, 2020 20:28:34

Registered: 2020-03-20
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Old Time Guitar player seeking fiddle and banjo players aligned with West Coast US time zone

Curious to see how this works!
I live in Seattle. In my past life (about a week ago) played several times a week with varied OT musician friends and at some local jams. All of that has disappeared.

I would like to give this a try with one or two other musicians, mostly fiddlers and / or banjo players before I start spreading the word.

Got backup? :-)

Contact me.

Old time music… it's better than it sounds!


#2 March 21, 2020 04:03:51

Registered: 2020-03-21
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Old Time Guitar player seeking fiddle and banjo players aligned with West Coast US time zone

I play some OT/BG mandolin and want to test this out as well. I'm in SF. Let me know if you want to set up a time to test.


#3 March 24, 2020 01:10:22

Registered: 2020-03-24
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Old Time Guitar player seeking fiddle and banjo players aligned with West Coast US time zone

I play BG banjo and live in So Cal. I want to try this before I roll it out to other jammers in my area. Can we start now?


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  • » Old Time Guitar player seeking fiddle and banjo players aligned with West Coast US time zone[RSS Feed]

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