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#1 April 21, 2020 05:24:58

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Audio setup guide

If you have any trouble getting sound working, please follow these steps.
They will let you check that audio output and input is working, as well as
avoid common problems.

1. Please listen through headphones when using a microphone. This
prevents feedback that occurs when a microphone picks up the sound
from the speakers.

2. Connect USB/Firewire devices before starting jammr. jammr does not
see devices that are connected after startup.

3. Go to File | Settings (Windows) or jammr | Preferences (Mac) before
joining a jam session and select the input/output devices you wish to use.
In most cases the Audio System, Latency, and Sample Rate settings can
be left at their default values. On Windows the “Windows WDM-KS” and
“WASAPI” audio systems are preferred and work best.

4. Enable “Play back my audio”. If your audio interface has “hardware
monitoring”, “direct monitoring”, “zero-latency monitoring”, or a
similar feature, disabling it is recommended. Although this increases
the latency that you hear slightly, it ensures you hear yourself exactly
the same way that others will hear you.

5. Join a jam session and enable the Metronome button in the
bottom-right corner of the jammr window. You should hear the
metronome click if audio output is working.

6. Play a note on your instrument or say something into the microphone
and you should hear yourself through your headphones. This confirms
that audio input is working.

7. Check that the Send button in the bottom-right corner of the jammr
window is enabled. This button controls whether others can hear you.

Now you should be able to hear others and they should be able to hear

If you would like help, please click “New topic” on the Technical support
forum, write a description of which step you got to and what you
experienced, and copy-paste the technical information that gets
displayed when you go to Help | Show log. Thanks!

Edited stefanha (April 21, 2020 06:04:30)


#2 April 24, 2020 04:34:48

From: San Francisco,CA
Registered: 2020-04-19
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Audio setup guide

I hear them, They cannot hear me. My screen name does not show in the group session either.


#3 April 25, 2020 00:12:14

Registered: 2020-03-26
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Audio setup guide

Your name doesn't show up in the list as that list is there to mute others. Its everyone but you listed so that's no problem.
Have you checked the Inputs in the jammr settings. Sounds like the Outputs are OK if you can hear others.


#4 April 25, 2020 15:49:29

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Audio setup guide

How do I start recording my session?


#5 April 26, 2020 10:28:03

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Audio setup guide

How do I start recording my session?

Hi gallagher_kev,
Premium users receive an receive email notification from info@jammr.net after the jam session with links to the audio and individual tracks.

I have sent you a single email with all the recorded jam links in case you didn't see the notifications.


#6 May 10, 2020 02:50:35

Registered: 2020-03-16
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Audio setup guide

I'm lining into computer with usb electric instrument, It has been working well for weeks, it seems I can't change the preferences until I join a session, then I can open preferences, but once I'm in there, I can't change any audio selections. The output is set to my computer speakers instead of USB and there is continual feedback. How am I suppose to change the preference? (Mac user)


#7 May 11, 2020 05:06:37

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Audio setup guide

I'm lining into computer with usb electric instrument, It has been working well for weeks, it seems I can't change the preferences until I join a session, then I can open preferences, but once I'm in there, I can't change any audio selections. The output is set to my computer speakers instead of USB and there is continual feedback. How am I suppose to change the preference? (Mac user)

Hi Songwright,
Please go to File | Disconnect and then you will be able to change jammr's sound settings in jammr | Preferences. The reason for this is that sound settings cannot be changed while you are connected to a jam session.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


#8 May 31, 2020 18:16:25

Registered: 2020-03-31
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Audio setup guide


i'm having the same problem. i'm not getting jammr to come through my apogee jam+ interface headphones, it just comes through the speakers. can't find a solution.

See below, he has the same problem.

I'm lining into computer with usb electric instrument, It has been working well for weeks, it seems I can't change the preferences until I join a session, then I can open preferences, but once I'm in there, I can't change any audio selections. The output is set to my computer speakers instead of USB and there is continual feedback. How am I suppose to change the preference? (Mac user)

Hi Songwright,
Please go to File | Disconnect and then you will be able to change jammr's sound settings in jammr | Preferences. The reason for this is that sound settings cannot be changed while you are connected to a jam session.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


#9 May 31, 2020 18:26:51

Registered: 2020-03-31
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Audio setup guide

Oh. wait i got it to work, never mind.


#10 June 4, 2020 02:33:33

Registered: 2020-06-04
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Audio setup guide

Will Jammr support two audio inputs on the same laptop; voice and guitar? Or do I have to choose between playing and singing?


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