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#1 Oct. 5, 2014 06:09:04

Registered: 2014-10-04
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Click Track Level Control

This is awesome, a very nice thing to have would be a Level Control for the Click Track, so one can control it over the rest of the jammers



#2 Oct. 5, 2014 07:08:07

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Click Track Level Control

This is awesome, a very nice thing to have would be a Level Control for the Click Track, so one can control it over the rest of the jammers Regards!

Thanks for the suggestion


#3 Oct. 5, 2014 07:26:18

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Click Track Level Control

this is awesome, exactly, would be interesting to have a control track of each user, thus each user could control their own mix, thus time presets levels would save each instrument, making each user convenient mix its suitability


#4 Oct. 5, 2014 19:54:35

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Click Track Level Control

this is awesome, exactly, would be interesting to have a control track of each user, thus each user could control their own mix, thus time presets levels would save each instrument, making each user convenient mix its suitability

This topic is sometimes debated.

My take is that track volume controls remove the incentive to balance levels correctly. What happens is that the recorded jams (which are captured automatically on the server) will have a bad mix and will not be listenable without post-production.

The plan is to add VU meters to make everyone aware of their volume levels but not to add per-track volume controls. That way each user sets a reasonable level, the recorded jams sound great, and you don't have to correct other users' volume levels.


#5 Oct. 5, 2014 21:58:04

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Click Track Level Control

Totally agree with that approach


#6 April 21, 2015 09:03:43

Registered: 2015-04-10
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Click Track Level Control

Back to the click track level issue: maybe having a full volume controller is overkill, but I'd like it to be louder.
When there are more than a couple instruments playing in the jam and no drum machines, I sometimes had trouble in hearing the click. Well, IDK, this might be related to that particular jam session, which was my first one

Maybe we could have three fixed volume options for it: Off - Standard - Louder ?

Instruments: one-handed keyboards, percussions, found objects :P
Likes: see my jammr profile


#7 April 21, 2015 20:57:36

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Click Track Level Control

Volume levels are currently not normalized automatically, so it requires everyone to cooperate. I'd really like to implement something that automatically balances or at least reminds users of volume issues.


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