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#1 Oct. 5, 2014 09:19:51

Registered: 2014-09-08
Posts: 238
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user friendly system

Thank you for the help. Even the software is clear enough, with the lack of musical and computer knowledge jamming remains a difficult task for me as an occasional of user of IT. And because I often download user friendly software I would like to ask the Jammr team to release a user manual for general use and if possible a remastered linux live cd distro dedicated to Jammr as a preinstalled software along with all Jack options. If all these already exists please let me know.

I like ukulele, recorder, guitar, drum, piano (absolute beginner)


#2 Oct. 5, 2014 20:12:56

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1731
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user friendly system

Thank you for the help. Even the software is clear enough, with the lack of musical and computer knowledge jamming remains a difficult task for me as an occasional of user of IT. And because I often download user friendly software I would like to ask the Jammr team to release a user manual for general use and if possible a remastered linux live cd distro dedicated to Jammr as a preinstalled software along with all Jack options. If all these already exists please let me know.

Hi adi,
Thanks for sharing your ideas:

Missing manual - yes, there is no manual. We need to fix that. I would like to set up a wiki so we can all contribute instructions and tips/tricks for jamming. I will announce the wiki when it is ready.

Live CD - this is a nice idea but difficult to support when there are issues with the software beyond jammr. I'm afraid the resources required to do a Live CD well are too great.

It can be challenging to get a good computer audio setup for beginners. The goal of jammr is to let all musicians, irrespective of computer music knowledge, jam together online. There is still a lot of work to do, so thanks for your feedback.



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