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#1 Aug. 18, 2015 19:14:08

Registered: 2015-02-17
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Music challenge: "30 seconds of Summer"

Thanks guys! . The things I used for it was my Fender Strat hsh, Peavey Bass, the Pod GX interface, Pod Farm 2 for guitar & bass FX and Reason as my DAW.

Main Instrument: Electric Guitar (Intermediate, 3 years).
Styles: Jazz Rock (Fusion), Smooth Jazz, Progressive Rock, Blues & Funk.
Gear: Fender Stratocaster HSH, Peavey Zodiac EX Bass Guitar, M-Audio KeyStudio Keyboard, Pod HD 500x and Pod Farm II for FX.

Edited Calran (Aug. 18, 2015 19:29:05)


#2 Aug. 24, 2015 10:49:21

Registered: 2015-07-19
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Music challenge: "30 seconds of Summer"

This is something I put together on the fly the first day I setup Ableton and my Project Mix IO. I was an exercise in “how to record music” with ableton but the song ended up being not bad… this is it.
Song1 Rendered…

Edited housenet (Aug. 24, 2015 13:20:48)


#3 Aug. 26, 2015 08:30:47

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Music challenge: "30 seconds of Summer"

Cool, housenet. Thanks for sharing!


#4 Aug. 26, 2015 17:03:31

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Music challenge: "30 seconds of Summer"

I don't know how to compose or to record but I try to use some compose software especially for making scores for practice. Here is my summer at 40 degrees (not serious, only for fun) made as usual in musescore and exported in midi.

I like ukulele, recorder, guitar, drum, piano (absolute beginner)

attachment summer 2015.mid (2.6 KB)


#5 Aug. 27, 2015 18:24:49

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Music challenge: "30 seconds of Summer"

Here I upload something:
Your text to link here…
It is a version of a song I heard on youtube.

Edited LANDA (Aug. 27, 2015 18:26:15)


#6 Aug. 27, 2015 20:32:42

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Music challenge: "30 seconds of Summer"

Wow, keep it coming!

Great to hear your musical ideas.


#7 Aug. 29, 2015 21:38:35

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Music challenge: "30 seconds of Summer"

That good that you liked
The next time, i will try to include vocals.
Thanks for motivating me.


#8 Nov. 28, 2024 06:59:55

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Music challenge: "30 seconds of Summer"

Though our points of view may disagree, our shared aim of development is most crucial. papa's freezeria


#9 Dec. 5, 2024 09:44:33

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Music challenge: "30 seconds of Summer"

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