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Is there anyway to stream a jam session? Would love to utilize for our fans to listen in. Thanks!
Jams are currently not streamed live. After the jam you will receive an email with the recorded jam - including a web player so you can listen to it on your computer or mobile device.
Ciao, come si fa per suonare insieme?
Hi, My Mac is not letting me do the Jammr download. It says that the site is not verified. What can I do?
Hi, My Mac is not letting me do the Jammr download. It says that the site is not verified. What can I do?

Hi sampadadiggs,
Please see this for installation on Mac:
I joined a few days ago, and can quite easily say that for a musician this is FANTASTIC!
I moved to the UK and can now jam with friends back in the states.
Right now I have my drums connected to PC with wired network connection.
If I ran it through my mac-book air connected wireless to network. Would I end up with a lot of lag?

Thanks and have fun.
I've downloaded and registered, but I don't see any way to set up a private jam. Help?!
I've downloaded and registered, but I don't see any way to set up a private jam. Help?!

Hi PMcMillen,
Click the “New jam” button in the “Connect to server…” dialog. You
will be in an empty jam session and can control who is allowed to join
by going to Admin | Access Control. Once you've entered your
bandmates' usernames they will see the jam session and be able to join
when they open the “Connect to server…” dialog.
If I ran it through my mac-book air connected wireless to network. Would I end up with a lot of lag?

jammr is not sensitive to network latency because it is live but not real-time. It works well even with high-latency internet connections, Wifi, etc.
Are You charging for private Jams now? is this recent? I'm a new member and under the impression that this service is free.
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