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Looked like just what I needed. I downloaded jammr, twice. Each time it was stopped by Norton.
Hi mtcutter,
Thanks for trying jammr and letting me know about the issue with Norton Antivirus!

Norton Antivirus marks programs suspicious if they have not been installed by large numbers of users yet. This just means that Norton is unfamiliar with jammr but does not indicate a virus.

Here are the virus scan results from over 50 virus scanners if you'd like to compare against all the other virus scanners:

You may need to tell Norton to allow jammr.

I am getting in touch with Norton and hopefully the jammr installer will be marked “safe” soon so you won't see this again in the future.

Hi mtcutter,
Here is an article from Norton that explains why their virus scanner is incorrectly reporting the jammr installer:

The article has screenshots showing how you can move the jammr installer out of “quarantine” and run it.

I have also raised a request with Norton to mark jammr “safe”.

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