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Full Version: Jammr kickstarted my Spotify progress!
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Hey guys!
Long time no post / play. I regularly jammed on the app during 2015/16 but stopped to start recording. I found a bunch of good VSTs through using this app and ended up writing some stuff. I've close to half a million streams on Spotify alone now.

Pointy Features - chillhop / blues

Happy to collaborate, get in touch via instagram @pointyfeatures.

See you soon for a jam.
Hi danleak,
I remember! Welcome back and congratulations.

Here is a YouTube link to Pointy Features - Waves for those who don't have a Spotify account:
So nice is Wave song!. Total relax.
Thanks folks. Been trying to hop on Jammr around 4-8gmt lately but quiet. Are Friday / Saturday jams still a thing? Any insight on GMT times?
Hi danleak,
There is usually something going on from 7-9pm GMT.

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