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Root » Technical support » How does jammr work?! Introduction to interval-based jamming
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Katarina, It could only work for singing if, for every “loop”, every time through, every 16 bars (or whatever), the words and chord changes were always the same. I think the critical point is that when YOU sing (or play) along, you hear what others sang (or played) the PREVIOUS time through, and when others play (or sing) along, they hear what you sang (or played) the previous time through. It's very much like a canon, or round. Which might be a good thing to try with jammr!
Hello everyone, im new on this just download it. I have a mac and got the irig plug in. I need help. Dont know were to set my guitar on the platform, please I need a step by step guide, thanks a lot.
Hello everyone, im new on this just download it. I have a mac and got the irig plug in. I need help. Dont know were to set my guitar on the platform, please I need a step by step guide, thanks a lot.
Hello everyone, im new on this just download it. I have a mac and got the irig plug in. I need help. Dont know were to set my guitar on the platform, please I need a step by step guide, thanks a lot.

Hi peyotron,
Please be sure to plug in the sound device before starting jammr.

Once you've started jammr, make sure you are not connected to a jam session. You can go to File | Disconnect to leave the current jam.

Then go to jammr | Preferences and you will be able to select your input and output sound devices.

Now you will be able to join a jam session and your audio should work. The Send button in the bottom-right corner of the jammr window controls whether or not other people can hear you.

Hope this helps!
How would a 12 bar blues progression work since it always has a swing feel?
Hi bullet11,
Yes, 12-bar blues works. Set BPI to 48 beats (because 12 bars x 4 beats/bar is 48 beats) and you'll be able to play in sync!
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