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I tried Jammr for the first time earlier today and my V-Drum Roland TD17 sounded saturated with a lot of static, especially with the kick drum.
However, even when unplugging the drums, only listening to jam, I hear those interferences & static.
Everything else is working fine (youtube, twitch, mic & headphones, etc.)
What should I do ?
Hi sebilapince,
Thanks for describing the audio problem you are experiencing. It's likely that the sound settings can be changed so that the audio signal is improved.

Please go to File | Settings on Windows or jammr | Preferences on Mac while not connected to a jam session. (You can disconnect by going to File | Disconnect.)

The Latency value should be between 5 and 12 milliseconds. You can try increasing it to reduce audio glitches (static).

The Sample Rate should be 44100 or 48000 Hz on most sound devices.

Adjusting these two settings may solve the problem.

Saturation, distortion, and clipping usually occurs when a sound device receives an audio signal that is too loud. Reducing the volume of your V-Drums and/or the input volume of your soundcard may help.

Hope this helps!
On second thought, if you are using the USB audio connection from the V-Drums then there should be no saturation or clipping because it's a purely digital signal. So it's likely that the issue is just the Latency and Sample Rate settings.
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