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#1 April 15, 2020 10:29:30

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jammr Premium is now available!

Dear jammr community,
We are delighted to announce that jammr Premium is now available. Premium users get:

  • Private jam sessions to play with your friends and have more control
  • Recorded jams for listening to and downloading your jams (including individual instrument audio tracks)
  • Support jammr and its future development!

Premium is priced at only $9.99/€9.99/£9.99 a month. Get Premium here!

This concludes the beta period when all features were enabled on free accounts. Free accounts will still be available going forward and can participate in public jams. Recorded jams from the beta period will remain available for listening and download to free users for the foreseeable future.

Many new users joined over the past few weeks due to coronavirus lockdowns. With unemployment growing as a result of the pandemic we would have liked to keep everything free for longer, but we've had to grow the team and get more servers in order to help new users jam together online.

Some of you have jammed together (and with me!) for a long time. You have helped new users and made jammr a friendly community for musicians around the world. Thank you so much for your support, feedback, and encouragement!

Happy jamming,


#2 April 15, 2020 14:06:47

Registered: 2020-04-05
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jammr Premium is now available!

Danke für Dein Angebot.Was hat Premium im vergleich zu Beta? Was ist mit Latenz? In Beta,wegen Latenzzeit konnte man gar nicht zusammen musizieren.Es kamm alles mit 3-4 Sekunden verspätet. Gibt`s die Möglichkeit Premium 2-3 Tagen kostenlos zu testen?
gruß Sergej


#3 April 15, 2020 14:44:00

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jammr Premium is now available!

Please provide some sort of audio testing feature before placing behind a paywall, you just lost me as a customer because your audio implementation is not working for me so I was testing different solutions. As there is no way to do that I will just have to setup a NINJAM server. Reaper provides mixing of jams and a better audio implementation and is not cloud-ware.


#4 April 15, 2020 16:50:17

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jammr Premium is now available!

Please provide some sort of audio testing feature before placing behind a paywall

Hi jotangent,
You can try out jammr with a free account. Free accounts can play in public jams and that's a good way to familiarize yourself with jammr before moving on to private jams.

Thank you for your input! Audio setup can be frustrating and we are working on improving it.

Here is how you can test your audio setup:
To test audio output, connect to a jam session and enable the Metronome button in the bottom-right corner of the jammr window. You will hear the metronome click if audio output is working.

To test audio input (after audio output is working), enable the “Play back my audio” checkbox in jammr's sound settings and then join a jam session. We recommend using headphones if you record with a microphone to prevent feedback. If you hear yourself through the headphones then audio input is working.

Finally, if you can hear yourself but others can't, please check that the Send button in the bottom-right corner of the jammr window is enabled. The Send button controls whether your audio is sent to other users.


#5 April 15, 2020 17:00:09

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jammr Premium is now available!

Hi,Stefan!Danke für Dein Angebot.Was hat Premium im vergleich zu Beta? Was ist mit Latenz? In Beta,wegen Latenzzeit konnte man gar nicht zusammen musizieren.Es kamm alles mit 3-4 Sekunden verspätet. Gibt`s die Möglichkeit Premium 2-3 Tagen kostenlos zu testen?gruß Sergej

Hi SKlim,
Thanks for your questions! I hope you don't mind if I reply in English.

All features were enabled on free accounts during the beta phase. Now that beta has finished free accounts are still available and you are welcome to use them. Free users can play in public jam sessions. Only Premium users can create or join private jam sessions. Premium users also get access to recorded jams so they can listen to or download jam sessions.

At the moment the audio quality and latency are identical between free and Premium.

There is no trial period for Premium, but the jamming experience is very similar except that you can have private jams. You can use a free account to decide whether or not you wish to use jammr. If the differences become greater in the future we will introduce a trial period.

I hope this answers your questions. Happy jamming!


#6 April 15, 2020 19:17:57

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jammr Premium is now available!

My band has (6) people in it. For us to play in a private room, do we all need to be premium members, or just whomever will set up the session and access the recordings?


#7 April 16, 2020 11:09:24

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jammr Premium is now available!

I don not like the policy to move Functions ( like downloading jam recordings ) that have previously been available in the free account to premium. This move will not convince me to move to Premium, because it makes me lose confidence in future decisions.


#8 April 16, 2020 12:21:32

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jammr Premium is now available!

Hey @stefanha

Saw the change to premium this morning. I've been a Jammr evangelist since I discovered it in the wake of Coronavirus. I've probably brought about 10 people to the platform so far and mentioned to almost everyone I've met. As a professional musician its been a massively positive thing to be able to play meaningfully with my friends without breaking quarantine. I cannot overstate this. People like me really need to play, we've committed our whole lives to music and not being able to jam is more than just another inconvenience. Its been a joyful relief to be able to connect with other musicians virtually. One of my friends (a cellist) said its the first time in weeks she hadn't thought about coronavirus.

Firstly I wanted to say thank you for creating the platform. Second that I respect your decision to bring in the premium mode - I respect that you have your own bills to pay and that you always planned on monetising the service at some point. Perhaps you have also lost a lot of work due to the virus so its important for you to bring in the switch now.

However I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that you chose to bring in the premium mode now, when so many musicians around the world are relying on the service as their primary means of playing with others. While it makes complete business sense it makes me a little sad.

I'm in the fortunate position of being able to afford the additional expense - i would happily pay twice the amount if it were a suggested donation that kept the service free for others.

Funnily enough it is the professional musicians who make all or most of their income from performing who are among those struggling the most as they cannot simply work from home with much of the entertainment industry shut down. For hobbyists with steady job, 9.99 is not so bad but it is the pros or the students training to be pros who will find another expense more taxing.

Would you consider creating an application process for professional musicians to have a free account during the coronavirus lockdown period? Or a temporarily reduced rate?

Having said all this I wanted to reiterate that I'm grateful that you continue to make part of the service free and I'm curious to see how the increase in demand for public jams affects the overall vibe. There are definitely times when public jams are fun, but other times when it is hard to get something good going because of all the noise.


Edited SkinnyVinny (April 16, 2020 12:23:10)


#9 April 16, 2020 12:47:16

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jammr Premium is now available!

Please allow a 14 day trial period when one joins premium. One can have no idea how a private session will look like without trying it out.


#10 April 16, 2020 13:25:48

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jammr Premium is now available!

My band has (6) people in it. For us to play in a private room, do we all need to be premium members, or just whomever will set up the session and access the recordings?

Yes, Premium is required in order to join private jams too and access the recordings.

About the recordings, you are free to download and share them as per the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license as mentioned in the Terms & Conditions (https://jammr.net/terms.html). So nothing prevents you from sending recordings that you like to non-premium users, friends, and family.


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