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Hi Stefan,

jammr is fantastic. Thanks so much for developing it. I've had a ton of fun jamming.

I could come up with lots of suggestions but my #1 priority would be this:
- After logging in, before getting to the connect screen, put up a box: Are you wearing headphones? with checkboxes yes and no.
- If they answer yes, let ‘em in.
- If they answer no, don’t let them in and give a friendly message like: If you connect without headphones, you'll create a loud squealing noice (called feedback) for others that are jamming. Please be kind, get some headphones (or earbuds are ok), and then come back and join us.

Hi Stefan,jammr is fantastic. Thanks so much for developing it. I've had a ton of fun jamming.I could come up with lots of suggestions but my #1 priority would be this:- After logging in, before getting to the connect screen, put up a box: Are you wearing headphones? with checkboxes yes and no.- If they answer yes, let ‘em in.- If they answer no, don’t let them in and give a friendly message like: If you connect without headphones, you'll create a loud squealing noice (called feedback) for others that are jamming. Please be kind, get some headphones (or earbuds are ok), and then come back and join us.Thanks,Linda

Not a bad idea! There are, however, some times that a muso can connect to external speaker and play without worries about feedback - it depends on the setup.

That being said, getting back to the gist of your idea (the desire to prevent feedback) I think this is a fantastic thought. I have seen platforms in the past that do a “feedback check” on entry and mute the player if feedback is detected… maybe something like that could be implemented?
What the point of the option « play back my audio » ?
If unchecked would there still be a feedback loop?
Hi. What the point of the option « play back my audio » ?If unchecked would there still be a feedback loop?

Hey Dan,

That's there to provide for a monitoring source if the user doesn't use hardware or some other monitoring solution.If that were your sole source of monitoring and you turn it off, then yes - it would break the feedback loop. However,if you're using other monitoring sources then the same feedback prevention rules apply… i.e. don't use a mic and blast the mic output from monitor speakers, that sort of thing.
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