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Please, good people. I am new to Jammr and I can't figure it out. I have a Focusrite Scarlett, which I run a Marshall MG30 through. I downloaded asio4all, but I can't figure out how to get it to work on the Jammr site. Also, every time I go on a forum, even if I have a dry signal on my amp, its loaded with delay on the jam site. On settings I choose the Focusrite for input and output and Windows WASAPI is the only setting where I can hear what's going on. Please help! I'm ready to pitch all this digital crap!
Which Scarlett model and generation do you have?
There is a discussion here about the Scarlett 3rd Gen interfaces having problems with “Windows WDM-KS”. The recommended workaround is to use WASAPI, disable “Play back my audio” in jammr's sound settings, and enable direct monitoring on the soundcard.
I test jammr with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 1st Gen and it works with the “Windows WDM-KS” audio system. I have ordered a Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen and will work on “Windows WDM-KS” support for lower latency.