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It looks like Jammr sends the timing clocks (24/beat, tempo), but does not send anything about position.

It would be nice if it could send either the MIDI SPP (song position pointer), or possibly just a MIDI Start at the restart of any interval (song position 0). I am hoping to have it drive loops in sync with the Jammr metronome.
I believe the options should be:
- tempo only (default)
- SPP + tempo
- MIDI Start + tempo

…and they should be mutually exclusive
Thanks for the suggestions, shawnb! I have added it to the todo list.

Which MIDI device or software are you using together with jammr?
I was hoping to just sync up my DAW, SONAR.

That way, I could put anything I want in there!
This should also eliminate “drift”, as once an interval, everything is brought back in sync.
Great, I'll investigate this and try testing with SONAR.
I'll help test, too, if you like. Decades of experience with Cakewalk & SONAR…

My first version of Cakewalk:
Awesome, shawnb! I will publish a beta release when it is ready for testing.
Hi shawnb,
Here is a jammr build that has an option to send MIDI Start/Stop on each interval:

I hope this works better with your SONAR setup. Please let me know how it goes!
The good news is that your changes appear to be working perfectly!!!

The bad news is that SONAR isn't playing nicely. It responds to transport controls okay, but is refusing to do loops. I.e., it honors START & STOP independently, but not together, as is needed for a rapid restart of the loop. I am still experimenting.

I may resort to a different DAW. SONAR has its strengths, but this is apparently not one of them.

I also have an old license for Hollyhock, which is designed specifically for live performance & loops. Hollyhock is a fascinating DAW - it's more of a development environment. It is designed to stay clock-perfect while you rewire & recode logic and signal flows on the fly… Probably better suited for this, overall. But my license expired, I'm going to try to find an upgrade discount…
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