This app as SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!! Thanks for bringing this to the world

I tried to jam for the first time syncing Ableton live on the midi clock output of Jammr.
These configuration were tried without achieving a proper sync between Ableton Live and Jammr on the same computer;
1) Sending the clock to a midi interface output and bringing it back in the input with a midi cable.
Ableton got the sync signal, but wasn't even near of getting a similar tempo. The Ableton metronome seemed to behave randomly.
2) Same process, but with midipipe. Ableton also received the sync signal, but wasn't able to sync with jammr master metronome.
So we shot down Jammr's metronome, and I synced My Ableton Live directly to the distant computer's (Ableton on the other side) metronome. Worked, but went out of phase after a glitch.
Do you guys know if there's a problem with jammr's clock, because usually I sync things with Ableton live really easilly, and with jammr, I can't even get to sync in my own computer…
Also, it would be great if the clock output could create a virtual input, so we could sync without to go through another app (or real cable).
This software is amazing and I'm really excited about it, can't wait for it to really sync with Ableton!