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Full Version: The jammr band performing on a sunday night.
Root » Recordings » The jammr band performing on a sunday night.
Credits: adi cteveret spoofofallspoofs BikeMan choxsie2020
Awesome! And thanks for posting
Hi adi,
Thanks for posting! Have a nice weekend
Ah, E minor. The jammr default key. Awesome jam thanks for recording and sharing!
Awesome jam thanks for recording and sharing!
Recording is only about stefanha's great talent to administrate this amazing server and the effort of each musician to setup their instruments. I only import the audio file downloaded from the server in my audacity and cut the selection. After that I export to a new audio file about 10 mega. It is easier so while the access to the original recorded file is restricted!

I absolutely agree with you. All musicians are extraordinary gifted and jamming without any previous agreement gives as a result such a great song!
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