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#1 July 31, 2014 15:04:54

Registered: 2014-07-31
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Midi sampler


I want to be able to play midi sample software right off my laptop, using a midi keyboard as the trigger. How can I do that? I'm on a Windows 7 machine.

Do I need to play the sound out of the headphone jack into a different computer dedicated to running Jammr?




#2 Aug. 1, 2014 06:13:26

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Midi sampler

Hello, I want to be able to play midi sample software right off my laptop, using a midi keyboard as the trigger. How can I do that? I'm on a Windows 7 machine.

You can try loading a sampler VST plugin into jammr. jammr has support for VST plugins, which are a popular way to load effects and virtual instruments into audio software.

For example, I posted a list of free high-quality VST plugins that work with jammr:

Go to File | Settings… | Effects plugins. Then click Add and open the directory containing the VST plugin in the Search Path. When you click Scan, jammr looks for VST plugins in the Search Path. Also be sure to enable MIDI in File | Settings… | MIDI so that messages are sent to the VST plugin.

Do I need to play the sound out of the headphone jack into a different computer dedicated to running Jammr?

That would work too.


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