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Full Version: Calendar for upcoming public jams
Root » Wishlist and suggestions » Calendar for upcoming public jams
I have just joined.

I logged in yesterday and today and found nobody online.
I looked in the Jam forum and found that the last post was months ago.

I also found many old posts asking how to join a jam and complaining that nobody was online.

It would be nice to have a calendar of upcoming public jams so that you can know when to logon.

We should be able to create a new session on the calendar as well as indicate that we will be joining someone else's. There should also be an indication of the genre or suggested set-list.
Hi anthonygos,
You can join the Discord chat here where people sometimes announce when they are jamming:

Thanks for suggesting the calendar idea!
Thanks stefenha
We could also just use the calendar in Discord or maybe make events in facebook?
Why isn't there a facebook group for jammr jammers?
There is a Facebook group here:

Feel free to announce or create events on Discord or Facebook!
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