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It a nice custom to see fragments from the latest jams on youtube every week. I also receive by e-mail all tracks depending on the time I joined the jam so usually I listen to the jam again. Sometimes I try to play along the recorded jam as a practice but I am missing the chords, scales, etc. and if I try to guess them I am not sure that they are correct. May be a newsletter about what happened during a jam (from a musician point of view) would be helpful for a beginner like me.
It a nice custom to see fragments from the latest jams on youtube every week. I also receive by e-mail all tracks depending on the time I joined the jam so usually I listen to the jam again. Sometimes I try to play along the recorded jam as a practice but I am missing the chords, scales, etc. and if I try to guess them I am not sure that they are correct. May be a newsletter about what happened during a jam (from a musician point of view) would be helpful for a beginner like me.

You can comment on jammr's YouTube and SoundCloud channels:

For example, SoundCloud comments can be placed at a specific time in the soundclip. This way chord progressions can be labelled.

I spend quite a bit of time editing soundclips every week and will not be able to also annotate the chord progressions. But anyone can do it - just post the chord progression in a comment on YouTube or SoundCloud.

Hope this helps,
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