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#1 April 11, 2015 15:14:11

Registered: 2015-02-02
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Correcting input lag

Hey to all!

First of all, I enjoy jamming with all of you and I think jammr has great potential.
However, I find that as a singer, despite using low latency values in the jammr settings, my voice seems to always lag behind a bit on recordings and consequently also for other listeners in the jam, I suppose. Am i doing something wrong or should jammr offer some kind of input lag setting so the user can correct the timing issues? I'm using the line-in signal of a Steinberg UR44 with loopback activated.

All the best


#2 April 11, 2015 16:27:23

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Correcting input lag

Am i doing something wrong or should jammr offer some kind of input lag setting so the user can correct the timing issues?

There is a latency setting in the audio settings dialog (File | Settings… | Audio). Usually the setting should be between 5-12 milliseconds. Anything larger than 12 milliseconds might be noticable. Which value do you have?

Why are you using Line-In with Loopback instead of a regular Mic In?

If you are using hardware monitoring then it's best to disable that and use jammr's software monitoring (“Play back my audio” in File | Settings… | Audio).



#3 May 4, 2015 10:47:30

Registered: 2015-02-02
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Correcting input lag

There is no regular mic-in available for this device when not using ASIO as audio system, so I use loop-back as a work-around.

I set the latency to 2.67 ms in the jammr audio settings and use Windows WASAPI. Despite this low setting, I notice some input delay when monitoring with jammr, and as I already said, on recordings I seem to lag behind a bit, too. But you are essentially saying that apart from the latency adjustable in the settings there should be no additional input lag of any kind?


#4 May 4, 2015 16:47:51

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Correcting input lag

How far do you lag behind? Less than 1 second?



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