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Full Version: Heyo! Vocals though mayyybbeee not lyrics :P
Root » Introductions » Heyo! Vocals though mayyybbeee not lyrics :P

Nice to meet everyone. I'm here to learn and play around… hoping to connect with some other music lovers. Not much to add. I'm really very new. I used to sing and have tried a few gigs, but I have a bit of stage fright, so I thought maybe i could come here and just play.

Looking forward to get to know everyone,

Thanks for joining on Friday. It was a fun jam session and your vocals sounded great!

In case you didn't get links to the recordings in your email, here you go:
What Genre of music you into ?? / Favorite Artist(s) ?
We can then learn something for you to sing too
stefanha, I had a great time, and I did get them- i assumed you prolly wouldn't want me to spam you with replies.

HighAction, I like a mix of blues, psychedelic rock (eg. lana del rey, adele, of course etta james) and a lot of alternative rock. Of course I have a great love for floyd and the beatles too. (can't go wrong with classic rock <3)

I listen to a lot of different styles, but those are my go to's, generally.
Hey all, I am an amateur singer and have done a few low profile gigs but nothing big. I still haven't gotten around this app and would love some help.
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