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Full Version: Can't get change input device to audio interface input
Root » Technical support » Can't get change input device to audio interface input
Hello. I'm a newbie and I'm trying to get jammr set up. I had it working before by jacking into my audio interface–I could hear it fine–but then after I added vst effects the audio stopped working. When I bring up the input menu it is greyed out, but before my interface was on the menu and I could hear it. Thanks!
okay i got it – you got to change the input before you connect
Glad you were able to fix the issue.

jammr sound settings cannot be changed while you are connected to a jam session. It is possible to change VSTs while connected to a jam session though.
now my audio cuts off during a jam without disconnecting. Sometimes it's me, sometimes it's the other musicians, or both. I can get it back by disconnecting/conecting, though, but it's an issue.
now my audio cuts off during a jam without disconnecting. Sometimes it's me, sometimes it's the other musicians, or both. I can get it back by disconnecting/conecting, though, but it's an issue.

If audio cuts off periodically then your internet connection is not able to keep up.

This could happen if you are on 3G mobile internet or very slow DSL. Or maybe you are on a wifi that has poor signal.

jammr does not place high demands on your internet connection. Any stable broadband connection should work.

You can get a basic assessment of your internet connection here:

Please let us know what results you get. If you are on a metered 3G connection, note that the speed test itself involves data usage (i.e. will use up your allowance).

YEah I'm using xfinity wireless. The speed test said this:

11 ms
15.31 Mbps
2.08 Mbps
The speed test results you posted look fine. They are more than good enough to use jammr.

You may find it depends on which xfinity wireless hotspot you connect to.
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