Posting pure jams on youtube (improvisation on top of a chord progression) is a chance for musicians to freely share their music. I saw lots of clips deleted by youtube because or the copyrights infringement.
I made for the first time a home conversion of a random mp3 song into a mp4 movie for test only. My recorder is not very nice but I choose it just to learn how to edit a video in movie maker (very hard for me). Here is the link for the clip:
I was inspired by stefanha channel otherwise my target is different form journalize the jams. I try to find some nice 10-15 songs among jams to make an album…
The song was not deleted yet. By the way, all the famous songs are useless for posting on youtube unless a license is to be payed. I want to thank to all the band members for palying with me and and to stefanha, danleak, highaction and all jammr users that explained me via chat about legal issues of sharing music.