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Root » Technical support » User interface overview (what do these buttons do?!)
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I have many noise when connecting my keyboard to the microphone. Is there any solution to it? Or it'is about the ‘quality’ of my cable ,
When you have connected your keyboard you hear static all the time? You should try different Audio Settings and see which works the best
I have Roland V-Drums, Mbox with Pro Tools Express, and EZdrummer. I can hear myself playing drums, and I can hear other musicians playing and talking, But nobdy can hear me. Nobody can hear my drums. I can communicate by text ok. I hit send and I went to settings and try different things but no luck.
I have Roland V-Drums, Mbox with Pro Tools Express, and EZdrummer. I can hear myself playing drums, and I can hear other musicians playing and talking, But nobdy can hear me. Nobody can hear my drums. I can communicate by text ok. I hit send and I went to settings and try different things but no luck.

Hi Gomper,
I have replied to your private message and posted steps for setting up EZdrummer.
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