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The beta version of the next jammr release is now available for testing. This is the first build, so not everything may be working smoothly yet. Your feedback will help ensure that issues are found before the update is rolled out to all users.

Download for Windows
Download for Mac

 flatpak install --user flathub-beta net.jammr.jammr//beta
(You can add the flathub-beta repository with "flatpak remote-add –user flathub-beta“ and refresh the list of applications with ”flatpak update –appstream".)

  • Redesign “Access control” dialog and save recently added usernames for private jams
  • Add “Input noise protection” audio setting for feedback detection (enabled by default)
  • Add Windows 64-bit support (run jammr64.exe to load 64-bit VST plugins)
  • Sign Mac software and eliminate “unidentified developer” warning
  • Add channel selection audio setting for multi-channel sound cards
  • Refine automatic output channel selection to use all channels for mono, stereo, and surround-sound cards. Only use the first two output channels by default on multi-output cards with more than 8 channels.
  • Add “Remember password” checkbox to login dialog
  • Add reset password link to login dialog
  • Add tooltips with audio configuration hints to sound settings page
  • Add Audio Setup Guide link to sound settings page
  • Add “unlock” button to audio and MIDI settings pages so it's clear that disconnecting from the jam is required to change these settings
  • Improve MIDI Beat Clock timing
  • Improve audio error reporting
  • Reduce chance of audio buffer underruns/overruns
  • Rename JACK port from “PortAudio” to “jammr” so it's easier to identify the application
  • Fix keyboard navigation and automatically select the first jam with at least one user in the “Connect to server…” dialog. This solves screen reader accessibility problems.
  • Fix lost login dialog focus under Wayland on Linux

Known issues:
  • AudioUnit and VST loading on Mac may be unstable due to new security restrictions on macOS Catalina
  • JACK on Linux does not work in the Flatpak yet

If you want to revert to the latest stable release of jammr, install it as usual from
Nice. Will test tonight.
Woohoo! Great set of enhancements!
Bug report:
No matter if the “input noise protection” is on or off it kicks me if i make a high noice. (Cough in the mic) also if i have the send button deactivated (Anti Cough button).

Feature request/help:
I want to use a standard PC mic alongside my Guitar which is connected with the Rocksmith USB Cable and run through a digital amp
The short version of the request would be the support of 2 inputs. In the best case scenario they should be able to be directed into specific effects plugins.

I have tried many workarounds, but sadly they all suffer latency problems trying to combine the signal outside of jammr. Example could be VoiceMeter banana. Here i can mix the signal still with no latency, but outputing to jammr adds latency. I can also output to AISO but sadly Jammr does not support that.

I tried “jack” aswell but i had no idea how that thing worked or if it would run into the same problems or even if it had such functionality…
Edit: I'm looking more into Jack, but it does not show up as an available device (Which is the case with most programs) However i can find JackRouter with VoiceMeeter so it does work but again thats only AISO it seems.

Best regards.
Bug report:
No matter if the “input noise protection” is on or off it kicks me if i make a high noice. (Cough in the mic) also if i have the send button deactivated (Anti Cough button).

Thanks for letting me know.

I want to use a standard PC mic alongside my Guitar which is connected with the Rocksmith USB Cable and run through a digital amp. The short version of the request would be the support of 2 inputs.

It's possible to do this today without latency using a USB mixer device. In the future it would be nice to offer jammr as a VST plugin so it can be loaded into DAWs and other programs, allowing much more flexible audio configurations.
Wouldn't start - says it runs only on High Sierra or better.

Is this an intended requirement?
Wouldn't start - says it runs only on High Sierra or better.Is this an intended requirement?

Yes, macOS High Sierra (10.13) is the minimum version.
Out of all my Macs, only one was suitable, running 10.13.6, but it's old (2011), so no BT MIDI.

So… I picked up a WIDI Bit to fix that, and tonight was able to run 1.2.90 and catch a session.

Being on Mac, I simply renamed the Jammr app to Jammr_1.28 and installed the Beta as Jammr.

Both work without having to uninstall/reinstall, but they do share (some ? all) settings.

I like the password saving feature.

Typo: Tooltip for Sample Rate should say “44100” not “441000”
This is true for 1.2.80 as well, so maybe it belongs on the Wishlist, not sure.

Changing the User Interface Font Size to numbers > 20 make the font metrics not fit into the headings in the Session window. At least on my Macbook Pro.
Start Jammr 1.29.0 > Settings > Effects Plugins > (Add one, minimize it) > Route > Apply.

Settings window jumps to the back, focus lands on Session window, hiding the Settings window.

This is not the case with 1.28.0.
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