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Full Version: jammr 1.2.90 is available for beta testing
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Typo: Tooltip for Sample Rate should say “44100” not “441000”

Haha, thanks! 441 kHz would be a very high sampling rate indeed . This will be fixed in the next beta.
Changing the User Interface Font Size to numbers > 20 make the font metrics not fit into the headings in the Session window. At least on my Macbook Pro.

Thanks for reporting this! I have added it to the todo list for a future release.
Start Jammr 1.29.0 > Settings > Effects Plugins > (Add one, minimize it) > Route > Apply.Settings window jumps to the back, focus lands on Session window, hiding the Settings window.This is not the case with 1.28.0.

Thanks, this will be fixed in the next beta.
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