OK I just downloaded this thing but I don't see how to use it. I'd like to invite someone to join, but can't see how to do that either. Isn't there a tutorial or something on how to use this?
Ragtimelil from Texas
voneedenHow did you get it to click? I can't even do that. I can't get anything to happen. Well, my sister did join and we could see the activity, but neither of us could hear anything.
Hi RagtimelilI just joined too and can't find any links to join a jam. I can only play along to the click for so long : ) Are you playing at the moment?
How did you get it to click? I can't even do that. I can't get anything to happen.
Also: the blue bars at the bottom on mine stayed at the first bar. On hers, they kept cycling.
Got the metronome to work.
But when I try to play it's just a big roar. May not have the right kind of microphone.