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Hi guys, this is the first time I use this wonderful program, I am not a professional musician, I play as a hobby the drums and bass and I live in Italy, I would like to record the jam sessions with REAPER but when they start with JAMMR no longer works nothing, perhaps because Reaper is set up to use ASIO4ALL? Jammr while using WASAPI? I thank those who answer me or I will give you a good solution, I'll see you Saturday

Hi Pasquale-one,
jammr currently does not connect to DAWs like REAPER, so you may find it hard to record on your machine.

However, every jam session with 2 or more people is recorded on jammr's server and made available for streaming and download afterwards. This is automatic and you should receive an email with a link to your jam from

Here is an example from the last weekly jam session:

Hope this helps,
I wanted to use jammr to play music with a friend using the inbuilt microphone on my desktop, but can't figure out how to do that. Is it possible?
Great tips from the Staff Stefanha! I am new but I got to set up OK. I have a Rode AI-Micro Compact Audio Interface that plugs in a Rode SmartLav+ Microphone. I needed to lower the volume to avoid being kicked out (disconnected after sounding a Roar sound!!). I manage weel that BUT
I need to Jam/Practice with my musician friend so that I would like TO BUY the PREMIUM $9.99/month subscription. However I have questions:
1. Will the PREMIUM subscription show a similar set up to the Public jamming one? Will it appear as a session with my USERNAME?
2. How will we FIND / SAVE the recordings of a particular session of ours?
3. Will we be able to connect anytime in a session during the subscription month or months?
4. Any suggestions on how we could follow visually our mutual playing of instruments in a VIDEO connection: Via Skype? (I don't do Zoom) Meet?

Thanks, I will greatly appreciate your response ( I think we will adopt Jammr!)
Luis (Luisdelsikus)
I need to Jam/Practice with my musician friend so that I would like TO BUY the PREMIUM $9.99/month subscription. However I have questions:

Try the free trial two weeks period too see what happens.

All recordings are saved automatically on the server jusk click your name and download. One paid subscription is enough for all band.
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